Grief is a process, a journey through complex emotions, memories and experiences. It benefits from a container that holds the ability to be witnessed, to be present and move with the myriad emotions, stories and moments of release that grief brings.
Grief can stagnate movement, diminish vitality; it can create a sensation of time standing still, with no capacity to move beyond the heavy feeling of loss and dissolution.
Yet we know that grieving is cleansing, healing. In its purest form, grief is transformational.
Grief and loss are part of everyone’s experience at some point in their lives. If you’re grieving now, I’m here with a container to hold your process, and tools and resources to generate movement, flow and transformation.
Our work together will include:
Being held and witnessed as you share your grief and loss
Tools and resources that bring creative life to what is moving deep within you
The light of transformation and evolution as the grief cleanses and heals, and you sense a return to vitality and flow
Expressing and owning the emotions that anchor your grief and loss, with the intention to source and release the joy that lies within helps you discover and anchor new meaning in your life in spite of who or what has passed beyond your experience.